Yes, I did it! I MADE my own laundry soap.
Are you proud? (I know I am!)
I used {THIS} awesome tutorial.
20 bucks for a year of laundry soap, uh yeah! Of course I will make my own!!
And this way you know what is going in your laundry soap.
It was really easy to make. The hardest part was grating 3 bars of soap. But look at it this way, you get your workout in for the day :)
And it smells yummy!
I wanted to put my soap in a fancy glass container....but they were $10 or more & the point is to save money right?
So....I settled for my old Sun laundry soap bucket. But eventually I will get a cute glass one & use the laundry soap label I made at the top of this post.
{Feel free to use it if you'd like.}
*Next on my to do list.....Homeade Dishwasher Detergent! (oh yeah!)

P.S. Have you entered the fab Abby Maddy Designs Giveaway?! Please do & tell all your friends about it!!

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